What does it mean to be a successful writer?
Writing is one of those fields where it’s difficult to pin down a single definition of success.
Just as there are numerous writing styles, there are numerous examples of success in the written word as well.
“I’ll be a success if I can only finish my first story.”
I’ll be successful if I can simply get the confidence to submit this to a publisher.
In order to achieve success, “I must be able to receive a check in the mail for a magazine piece,” I said.
“I’ll be a success if I can just publish my first book.”
“I’ll be successful if I can just get my book published by a large publisher.”
My book will be successful if I can only make it on the bestseller list.”
I’ll be successful if I can simply keep up with all the writing assignments I’ve been given, I think.
My success will come if people think of me in the same way as some of the greatest writers of all time.
It’s the ability to enjoy what you have and to let go of the desire for things that are out of your reach that is the secret of satisfaction. China’s Lin Yu-tai
There is a fine line between being happy and being lazy. In the first instance, we learn to be content with the conditions we face. In the second scenario, you’re content with where you are and have no desire to change anything.
“A man will never be happy unless he is happy with what he has,” the saying goes. In the words of William Gothard,
Authors should always strive for perfection in their work. It’s a good idea to have a short-term objective that’s doable, and then make a longer-term plan for where we want to be in one or six years. This objective might be revised on an annual basis.
For many writers, the issue is that they set their sights so high or hold their aim in such high regard that they miss out on other aspects of life in the process of trying to achieve it. Reaching the summit can frequently function as a pin to pop an inflated balloon, should they succeed. For other people, achieving their ultimate aim leaves them empty since they never understood the importance of happiness and fulfillment. The author’s overall drive takes a hit when the “ultimate goal” is achieved, and they have to deal with a lack of inspiration.
When it comes to personal writing success, it’s important to cultivate a sense of contentment while avoiding complacency.